Primary 1 Registration

Today is the 1st day of Phase 2C Primary One school registration in Singapore. I made an important decision today, i.e. to decide a Primary school for Rachel. To me, it is an important decision because deciding for one child, also means it affects the other child in 4 years' time.

I have been deliberating over the choice of 2 schools, both near to our home vicinity (within 1 km). The reason for shortlisting these 2 schools is because, one has a string ensemble CCA (which I hope Rachel will be able to join when she progresses to Pri 3), and for the other school, hearsay among mothers and teachers in the neighbourhood that it is a better school in terms of its academic results as it gives out a lot of school work for the children.

Up till last night, I could not decide which school to pick. So I drove Rachel to both schools for her to take a look and gave the choices to her. I asked her which school does she prefer to study in for her Primary school years. To help her further, I told her, if 1 school has to play violin, the other school has a lot of homework to do, which one would she choose.

She replied me without hesitation, the latter school. The choice is clear to her. When I asked her why is it that she does not like to play violin. She said because she can't sit down when she's playing violin. What a reason!

Hearing my little girl, I finally sorted out my thoughts, as much as I would like her to continue playing violin, I do not want to assert too much pressure on her that she must take up a CCA in that in school. I will just let her continue with her weekend violin class.

The primary one placement results will be out on August 11. Past records of this school showed that balloting is required even for those staying within 1km. I hope I do not have to go through the balloting phase this year given that the birth rate was considerably low in Year 2003.



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