Our Pet Lobster

This is the fresh water lobster that Rachel brought home from her violin concert. Actually, not exactly the same one, because the original lobster that was given by her teacher died after 2 weeks. Cause of death : unknown.
So I went to the aquarium shop and bought her a new lobster. I don't think we will ever let the children keep any animals (such as cat, dog, hamster, rabbit etc) as pets in the house. We don't mind to keep a little water creature in a small plastic tank at home to let the children play with. Still can qualify as a pet right?

Fresh water lobster is easy to rear. Just feed it with a few grains of cooked rice every day and change its water twice a week. We used filtered water, really "fresh" huh? Hope this replacement lobster will survive longer than the first. So far so good. It has been with us for more than a month now.



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