Admiralty Park

My colleague has told me about a new park she discovered at Woodlands area, The Admiralty Park. It been some time since I wanted to bring the kids there for some outdoor fun.

Finally today, I get to check out the park with the kids and brought them there for cycling. It was good exercise for me too chasing after them.

Shannon is going to School!

After much consideration, I finally decided to start Shannon at a childcare centre next year (2010) when she is 3 years old. I registered her at the same childcare centre that her sister is going to now. A pity that Rachel will be out of the centre next year to progress to Primary One and there will be no big sister to look out for the little one.

Nonetheless, I am confident that Shannon will be able to adapt well to the new environment very fast.

The Little Big Club Show

Here we go to watch The Little Big Club Band Live in Singapore! I brought the 2 kids to watch this family entertainment show which consists of Barney, Baby Bop, BJ & Riff, Bob the Builder, Wendy & Spud, Fireman Sam & Norman, Angelina Ballerina & Alice, Fifi & Bumble, Pingu, all 14 cartoon characters in one fabulous show!

Jie Jie has been to many of such shows (such as Disney on Ice, Sesame Street, The Barney & Friends Show, Hi-5 Concert etc) but this is the first time I brought Shannon to watch a kids concert. She was really excited.

Violin Concert 2009

This is the day that I've made Rachel worked hard for. It is the day of her violin concert held at YMS Auditorium. It is an annual event organized by her teacher, Ms Kon, for her classes of students.

Rachel is going up the stage to play a piece of music all by herself. Seeing her walked up the stage, I held my breath and could hear my own heartbeat. I was even more anxious than the performer.

Watching Rachel on stage and seeing how well composed she was to finish her performance, it almost brought tears to my eyes. I am so proud of my little girl. She had not only played solo, she had played it well too (much better than all the practice sessions I had with her).

I learnt a lesson today. Have faith in your children and they will do well.

At the end of the concert, every student received a reward from Ms Kon for the excellent performance they put up : a fresh water lobster to bring home as pet.

Missing In Action

My apologies for missing in action for quite a while. I must have lost all my readers of this blog which I could count by my fingers.

For the faithful ones, thank you soooo much! Yes, it's you, it's you, I am talking about. Love u all!

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