Suzuki Violin Graduation Concert 2009

We attended Rachel's Suzuki Graduation Concert yesterday at Jubilee Hall at Raffles Hotel. It was a performance by all graduating students of Suzuki Violin of various levels. Rachel and her cousin, Brandon, were both performing at the concert but at different segment.

This was not the first time that Rachel has been on stage to perform. I guess her happy-go-lucky nature put her at ease when she's on stage. She doesn't seem to get any stage fright. I think this mummy of hers is more nervous than her.

This is only Level 1 of Suzuki that Rachel has passed. Omg, there's still level 2, 3........7, 8. Learning music is such a long and enduring journey (I suppose like any other things that we learn). I hope my little girl will persevere on because someday when she grows up, I would like her to become a musician. But then again, it all depends on herself and her interest. I will influence her but will not force her.



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