Mummy to the Rescue!

Just when Shannon's blog almost died a natural death, I decided to devote a little of my time to rescue it! I decided to revamp the blog to be one that I will use to pen down my thoughts, feelings, encounters, write about anything under the sun and most importantly, about my darling angels. I took a 2-min crash course last night to learn from Patrick how to publish posts on blog. Blame it on my laziness + I am never into IT, technology and web stuff to pick it up earlier. From now onwards, the content of all posts will be from Mummy's perspective; i.e. yours truly. So I have tasked Patrick to re-design this blog to reflect the change and he has till end of this year to do it! A new beginning for this blog in a new year!

Nonetheless, I am very thankful for Patrick who started this blog for our little angel, Shannon, when she came into this world. Despite his busy schedule, he has spent time building up the blog during the first 12 months of Shannon's birth. And I took the credit for it! Cos many readers would think that it was Mummy who was writing on the blog. Only those friends of ours who read this blog knew it wasn't me. :p Now, it's about time I take over and do something for my little girls. I am not sure if I can write as well as Patrick and not sure if I have the stamina and perseverance to keep the blog going, but I will certainly try my best. A new year's resolution!!?? Ha!

So, here it first post! Stay tune for more to the new year!


Jemy said...

FINALLY! for a while, i really thot the blog "died"...
Looking fwd to reading up on the Wong family :-)

Anonymous said...

Well done, my dear! That is an excellent intro to entice our loyal fans back to this blog. Jia you!

tasy said...

Welcome to the blogging world! I'm so glad that you have take matters into your own hands.. Can't rely much on daddy's to do all these work, really. It's Mom's the best, as always!

I'm one of Shannon's fans, I really hope to hear more of her developments, and of course, her elder sis too. Just put up pictures of them, the more the better... don't worry about the write-ups, grammar is irrelevant, so does spelling, of course, that will change when they start schooling, you don't want them to be telling you all the mistakes, huh? hehe..

As for the comments, of course, if you can reply to our comments, that would be indeed superb!! :) anyway, no pressure, hope to hear more from you, hoh?


twinkle said...

Thanks to all for your encouragement!


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