An Early Day

Clik-clak, clik-clak.. Past midnight. Mummy was still working hard on her assignments before she goes on her 3-month maternity leave. She just got to get it out of the way because it is her responsibility. And, if not, someone may bug her when she is suppose to be resting and spending time with me.

Daddy kept her company. Sort of. He did not go to bed at his usual time, which was normally about 10+pm. The tv was on, with Lord of the Wars playing from a rented disc. He wondered what the movie was about. More of Nicolas Cage mumbling than anything. Anyway, it probably did not caught my Daddy's attention as his mind was on the events about to happen in the morning.

Enter.. Clik.. The final email was sent out. Great. Now, everyone can get some sleep, including me. Not that the sleep will make much difference anyway. But 2+ hours should be a good nap.



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