Grandparents' Day 2009

We celebrated Grandparents' Day with a fun-filled 1.7km walk from Chinese Garden to Science Centre Singapore this morning. Those who participated in the event were of course none other than grandparents in the family (i.e. my mum and dad), P and I and the 2 kids.

Grandparents' Day is celebrated on the fourth Sunday of November every year. The annual event is organised by the Council for Third Age, an independent organisation that promotes active ageing in Singapore.

If not for my sister who works at C3A, I don't even know we have an official day named and dedicated specially for Grandparents in Singapore.

It was a good workout for everyone. Shannon was truly amazing as she walked the same distance with us. Worried that she might be tired, I wanted to carry her but she refused to let anyone carry and insisted on walking all the way.

With concession rates to IMAX movies on this day for the Grandparents' event, we caught a show "Under the Sea" at Singapore Omni-Theatre. I never failed to enjoy the experience of watching IMAX shows with its dome screen and surround sound systems.



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