Home Alone....again

P has resumed his business travelling again after a good long "break" of about 3 months. This time round, he's off to London and I heard over the news that parts of UK is experiencing the heaviest snow for 18 years, with forecasters warning of more severe weather to come. I guess environmental climates have been turned up-side-down and have become unpredictable with all these stresses humans are putting onto mother earth over the years.

So, I am home alone with the kids again for 2 weeks. P and I had a brief discussion before his departure that perhaps he should go away more often because Rachel behaves well when either one of us is not at home. Sending him off at the airport, I told him repeatedly to put on enough warm clothing, to take proper meals, to have enough rest, to take care of himself.....we are sure gonna miss him. (Too mushy for you?)

It is difficult for us to talk on the phone with him in London and us in Singapore because of the time difference - 8 hours - "not here, not there", worse than being in US. He does call home every other day during his lunch time for a short chat though. I know he misses his little angels as much as we miss him. We look forward eagerly for his return.



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