What's up, doc?

Daddy got all the registration done. Mummy was pushed into the operating theatre. This time, Daddy got to join Mummy in the room. She opted for Caesarean with epidural. The kind of stuff that keeps you awake but painless. Scary.

Tick-tock. Tick-tock. Daddy changed into some greenish gown. Looked more like pajamas. Mummy was already in the room. A nurse came out and checked Daddy's tag. It was confirmed. He is my Daddy. "Please wait a while", said the nurse.

Tick-tock. Tick-tock. 7.30am. Another nurse walked past and told Daddy, "Your doctor should be here soon. He is always on time." Daddy smiled.

Tick-tock. Tick-tock. Another 40 minutes passed. The cold steel door of the lift opened. A bright smiling face walked out hurriedly. He caught Daddy's eyes.

"Wasn't it suppose to be Sunday?", quizzed the doctor. "No. It was changed from Monday to today", claimed Daddy. "Ah, I was actually doing my rounds here this morning. When I got home, a nurse called me and I rushed back here. Anyway...", chuckled the doctor.

The doctor whisked into the changing room.



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