Gift of Gold

(Warning! Not for the weak-hearted)

What is the difference between formula milk and breast milk? Some of you already know that breast milk has all essential goodies that my little body needs to grow up strong and healthy. It is not too hot and not too cold. I can drink as much or as little as I want, whenever, wherever.

But there is something more to it. As a thank you to my Mummy for her milk, here is my little gift of gold.

A breastfed baby's poo-poo is yellowish as compared to dark brown for a formula-fed baby. See, it looks very nice and clean. That's one of the good things about breast milk. Easy to digest, easy to clean. :p

Who Do I Look Like?

"Not enough photos", I heard my fans complaining. So, here you go.

Is everyone ok?

Just less than 1 week after I got home from the hospital, Mummy and Daddy brought me back there again.

"Hey, that's the Uncle that pulled me out from Mummy's tummy!", I thought when I saw Dr Lee. Look at his big grin. He must be very happy to see me again. He checked Mummy and was happy that she is recovering well.

Before it was my turn, I started crying. "I'm hungry, Mummy".

Mummy sat with me at a corner of the clinic and nursed me. While she was nursing me, my baby doctor, Dr Watt, came out of her room. She was very nice and asked if my Mummy wants to go into her room for the consultation. Since I was still enjoying myself, Dr Watt decided to chat with Mummy in the waiting area.

"She's doing fine", explained Dr Watt to Mummy. "She has slight signs of jaundice from the blood test but it is below the level where she needs to be admitted. So, there is nothing to worry about."

"Yippee! No need to stay in hospital". And we went home after that. So, I thought...

Sneak Preview

Hello, I am Shannon.

Orange Juice

"Wai Poh, why are you giving Mei Mei drink orange juice?", asked my sister, Rachel.

"Bu shi la (No-lah)", chuckled my Wai Poh (Grandma). "Shi ni de Mummy de milk milk lai de (It's your Mummy's milk)", she continued.

"Ah?!", exclaimed sis. Then, she laughed.

She ain't heavy, she's my sister

Back home, I was greeted with wide arms by my sister, Rachel. She could not wait to carry me. I love you, sis.

Going Home

Mummy looks well and can take care of herself. Her doctor came and popped her a quick question, "Do you want to go home today?". Without hesitation, Mummy nodded.

"Hooray, we can go home", I thought.

"But we have to get your baby's blood and hearing test results first", explained the doctor. He turned to the nurse, who said the results should be out by 11am.

Next, came my doctor. An energetic lady who speaks faster than the bullet train. She told my Mummy that they need to ensure that I do not have jaundice, which would make me look yellow. Then, she went on to explain about some things to do with old blood breaking down, not enough water, replacing breast milk with formula milk, exposing me to morning sun and so on.

After the doctors left, Mummy and Daddy went to register my birth. I am officially a Singapore citizen now. I just missed National Day Parade by 2 days. Aww, I heard the fireworks were marvellous.

Daddy packed our bags and settled the hospital bill. I got flying colours for my blood test results and cleared to go.

The nurses at Mount A took very good care of me and my Mummy. They always carry a warm smile when they are doing their rounds. Thank you very much.

Size her up

While the doctor finished his work on my Mummy, Daddy followed me and the mid-wife to the nursery. Daddy was beaming like a little boy who just got his Playstation 3. It was time to check out the specs.

Head circumference: 34cm

Height: 47cm

Weight: 3.23kg

Push, Push!

"Just started", explained the doctor.

Daddy got seated beside Mummy and placed a hand on her shoulders to assure her that everything would be fine. Mummy had difficulty breathing. A nurse placed an oxygen mask to her face. Much better.

The doctor told Daddy, "Head is quite big". He swiftly took a forcep and ordered his nurses to get ready. "1-2-3, push...", he commanded. That instruction was for the nurses, as they assisted to push me out from my Mummy's womb. In just a few seconds, I was delivered into this world.

"Wa-wa-wa", I cried. The doctor than carried me to my Mummy. I could see her warm smiling face, full of pride and joy at seeing me.

The mid-wife told Daddy, "Get your camera ready". They started cleaning me up as my Daddy snapped away.

What's up, doc?

Daddy got all the registration done. Mummy was pushed into the operating theatre. This time, Daddy got to join Mummy in the room. She opted for Caesarean with epidural. The kind of stuff that keeps you awake but painless. Scary.

Tick-tock. Tick-tock. Daddy changed into some greenish gown. Looked more like pajamas. Mummy was already in the room. A nurse came out and checked Daddy's tag. It was confirmed. He is my Daddy. "Please wait a while", said the nurse.

Tick-tock. Tick-tock. 7.30am. Another nurse walked past and told Daddy, "Your doctor should be here soon. He is always on time." Daddy smiled.

Tick-tock. Tick-tock. Another 40 minutes passed. The cold steel door of the lift opened. A bright smiling face walked out hurriedly. He caught Daddy's eyes.

"Wasn't it suppose to be Sunday?", quizzed the doctor. "No. It was changed from Monday to today", claimed Daddy. "Ah, I was actually doing my rounds here this morning. When I got home, a nurse called me and I rushed back here. Anyway...", chuckled the doctor.

The doctor whisked into the changing room.

The journey

Mummy's bag. Checked. Baby's clothes. Checked. Cordlife box. Checked. Important documents. Checked. We were all ready to leave home. No hurry. It was still early. Very early indeed. Only 5am.

Which is the shortest way to Mount A? SLE/Upper Thomson or BKE/PIE? We tried the former a few weeks back. Lots of traffic lights but not heavy on traffic. Daddy chose the latter today because it was still early. Most people are still dreaming anyway.

An Early Day

Clik-clak, clik-clak.. Past midnight. Mummy was still working hard on her assignments before she goes on her 3-month maternity leave. She just got to get it out of the way because it is her responsibility. And, if not, someone may bug her when she is suppose to be resting and spending time with me.

Daddy kept her company. Sort of. He did not go to bed at his usual time, which was normally about 10+pm. The tv was on, with Lord of the Wars playing from a rented disc. He wondered what the movie was about. More of Nicolas Cage mumbling than anything. Anyway, it probably did not caught my Daddy's attention as his mind was on the events about to happen in the morning.

Enter.. Clik.. The final email was sent out. Great. Now, everyone can get some sleep, including me. Not that the sleep will make much difference anyway. But 2+ hours should be a good nap.

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