Mummy looks well and can take care of herself. Her doctor came and popped her a quick question, "Do you want to go home today?". Without hesitation, Mummy nodded.
"Hooray, we can go home", I thought.
"But we have to get your baby's blood and hearing test results first", explained the doctor. He turned to the nurse, who said the results should be out by 11am.
Next, came my doctor. An energetic lady who speaks faster than the bullet train. She told my Mummy that they need to ensure that I do not have jaundice, which would make me look yellow. Then, she went on to explain about some things to do with old blood breaking down, not enough water, replacing breast milk with formula milk, exposing me to morning sun and so on.
After the doctors left, Mummy and Daddy went to register my birth. I am officially a Singapore citizen now. I just missed National Day Parade by 2 days. Aww, I heard the fireworks were marvellous.
Daddy packed our bags and settled the hospital bill. I got flying colours for my blood test results and cleared to go.

The nurses at Mount A took very good care of me and my Mummy. They always carry a warm smile when they are doing their rounds. Thank you very much.