Sit Up

I am now over 6 month's old. Let's see what I have learnt recently. I can sit up on my own but only for a few seconds before I fall forward on my head. Could it be because I have too much food inside my head? Mummy feeds me lots of milk and porridge everyday. Maybe I should learn how to jump, then the food will drop into my tummy or my bum-bum. That should help me to sit better. Any other helpful tips, please?

Balik Kampung

"Balik kampung" means back to village in Malay. This is what my Daddy does every Chinese New Year. Now, I am part of the family going back for my 1st CNY celebration. Daddy drove all the way back to his hometown, which is very very far away. I think I woke up a few times, drank milk and went back to sleep. Can't really help from falling asleep when I was well padded in my infant seat (thanks, Auntie Jemy).

Have a safe trip!

Gong Xi, Gong Xi

Mummy told me that Chinese New Year is coming soon. She has been teaching me how to clasp my hands together and moving them up and down while saying, "Gong Xi, Gong Xi... Gong Xi Fa Cai" (directly translates to Congratulations & Prosperity). I heard that I will be getting lots of angpow (red packets), too. Wonder why everybody is so excited about this. I will find out soon.

To all my blog fans out there (if there are still any left...), have a special and fun Chinese New Year!

Rock and Roll

"Why such a long silence?", asked my fans.

That is because I have been busy learning how to roll over. It was not easy at first. Each time Mummy placed me on my back on my tiny cot, I would wriggle around. Then, with a little more twist and turn, I could flip around and rest on my chest... with a hand pinned underneath though. Still figuring out how to pull it out.

Any ideas?

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